New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Pinpoint Short Codes that aren't in the shortcode generator

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  • Posted in: Pinpoint
  • #12612
    Post count: 6

    Hi! I love this theme, but an just having an issue figuring out where to put some of the short codes I find on your demo site. I have the short code generator which is fine for most, but if I grab a code off your demo site such as

    from the ‘using icons with links’ section in the demo site. I can’t figure out where to put it and have it work…

    Here are the places I have tried to put it:
    1. in the text box in the swift page builder
    2. in the code snippet box in the swift page builder
    3. in the classic editor visual section
    4. in the classic editor text section

    None of these places create the link with text that I see on your demo page…I’m not sure where else to try and put it?

    Please help! Thank you in advance!!!

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    What you have there is HTML code, not a WordPress shortcode. So that would go in the Text view of any editor.

    It won’t work in Visual mode, as the code gets “translated” by WordPress so you can see the code, instead of it being interpreted.



    Support Assistant

    Post count: 4


    Similar problem over here. Theme is great so far, but even tho i have placed that code in the Text view window, the promised arrow behind the link never appears. i always end up with a underlined text link instead. Any support on making this link with arrow icon happen is very welcome! Thx in advance.

    Problematic code: Learn more

    Best, Alex

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    @AlexanderWiefel – What is the learn more link?
    Thanks 🙂
    With Best Regards
    Swift Ideas

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