New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform logo image remains small

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #12270

    I’ve created my logo, 500px wide. I uploaded it and set the width to 500px. For whatever reason it still displays it at 270xp. Using firebug walking the CSS I see it’s set to 500px and can’t see any other setting that would make it actually shrink down.

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    Hi Richard,

    The logo and menu sit within certain blocks of code that are defined to have a specific width within our framework (span12 is full width):

    <div id="logo" class="span3 clearfix">
    <div id="nav-section" class="nav-indicator span9 clearfix">

    You can find those in header.php and modify them accordingly. The logo won’t get any bigger than 270px in a span3 class. If you change the logo div to span4 or 5, make sure to change the nav-section to a span8 or 7, accordingly, so they fit.


    Cosmin – Support

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