New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Widgets Reset

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #119775
    Post count: 27


    1. I’m having an issue with the Cardinal theme where widgets (specifically Footer Column 2 and Sidebar One) will reset to defaults or previous values intermittently. I only have one widgets tab open and save and minimize all changes, but the configuration keeps reseting.

    2. Is there an easy way to divide a page into horizontal sections using full-width slabs of color or texture, even if the horizontal row is broken up into columns? I tried here:, but it seemed the only way was to use a Parallax section. On previous themes you had full-width text blocks? Is this functionality placed somewhere else in Cardinal.

    3. I still have an unresolved issue with incorrect logo resizing on laptops with retina display. I think @media is missing CSS for larger resolutions that have retina display. Could you tell me what custom CSS needs to be added?

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) This would not be an issue with the theme, sounds like a problem with your WordPress install.

    2) You can use the Row asset for full width blocks of color, video or image background. You will find it under ‘Layout’ and you can add your page builder elements inside the row

    3) You need to set a max height for your logo in theme options > logo options

    – Kyle

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