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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #118318
    Post count: 24

    Hi Ed,
    I love your theme because it’s taught me so much about web design and your support forum has played a huge role in this process for over a year now. I’ve been hunting around the internet for a plugin that could help me with a problem but I’ve reached a dead end and hope you have some answers.

    Is there a way to insert the full content of a post into another (related) post. At the bottom of each post I have related articles but I want to achieve a more fluid and lateral reading experience for the viewers.

    My articles feature stories about different woman in a series format. Kind of like episodes to a story. I aim to have all of the articles, about one woman, beneath the most recent post that she is featured in. Is there a way to do this?
    (Example: On the home page/blog page I would love for the “read more” option to lead to a full post FOLLOWED by another post, which is related. And another as the stories continue.)

    I love that there are related articles at the end of the post, especially since they only appear on the individual post page, not the home page/blog page. But I can’t even figure out how to edit them. I tried adding more tags, hoping it would affect the related article categorizing, but it didn’t help.

    Is there a way to replace the related articles completely, and insert the entire content of related articles instead? (So that all of the stories about one woman read like a timeline.)

    Thanks again for your continuous support. I wouldn’t have gotten this far without it.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I’m afraid this is not possible, what you would have to do is add something manually to the bottom of each of your posts.

    To have this auto generated for you you would need to hire a developer to help you with that as I can imagine it would be quite a big task

    – Kyle

    Post count: 24

    Ok thanks Kyle.

    Also, could you tell me how to enlarge the Top Bar or increase the font of the Top Bar Menu?
    A lot of people tell me it goes unnoticed, and I am using it as my main menu.

    Thanks again!

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please use this custom css code:-

    #top-bar .menu li a {
        font-size: 20px !important;


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