New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Is it possible to export/import a Cardinal menu setup between sites?

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #115523
    Post count: 542


    As per title, I am trying to find a way to export the fairly substantial Cardinal menu setup from one website to another.

    I have already exported and then imported all the pages and that worked fine – I cannot figure out though how I would go about replicating the menu setup from one site to another (without manually setting it all up again)…

    Any ideas?

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    By default WordPress doesn’t have that functionality.

    Only using a plugin, the one that comes up first in google search isn’t update more than 2 years. But some people says it still works fine.

    Not sure if you want to try import the xml generated by this plugin in an empty installation first just to don’t mess with any work you might have in progress.


    Post count: 542


    Yea I tried that plugin but doesn’t worked unfortunately.

    Seems a crazy oversight from the WordPress development team to not have this feature?

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    The only other option will give some work, it’s to import you exported WordPress content to another WordPress dev site and then erase everything except the Menus. It gives some work.

    WordPress Import/export features always gave a lot of headaches to the users.
    Although some thinks are not easy to deal like the import that depends a lot on the server settings, but there is always things that can be better and they didn’t touched that for the last years. 🙁


    Post count: 542

    Yea – I actually tried your first suggestion. The export file was over 14 megabytes. I tried to import that into a new site but it just seemed to load for ages and then timed out without completing the import properly.

    I think I will just have to do it manually this time.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    ok. Guess it will be the faster option.

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