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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #11484
    Barry Laminack
    Post count: 31

    I’m not sure why Firefox is not liking my tables. Is this a known issue, or a me issue?

    Barry Laminack
    Post count: 31

    Well, I added clear right to the “prelims and Main card” table and it worked. Thought I had already done that but I guess not.

    Now I need to figure out why the tables are so damn big!

    Barry Laminack
    Post count: 31

    It looks like this is also an issue on IE 8. I’m positive it has something to do with CSS, just not sure what. Any advice is appreciated.

    Barry Laminack
    Post count: 31

    For what it’s worth:

    This was an issue with max-width not working in IE and Firefox. I went in and had to size all my images…sucks, but that was the fix.

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    Barry, apologies that this got overlooked.

    I understand you fixed it kind-of, but have you tried using percentages for your widths, coupled with a max-width?



    Support Assistant

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