New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Can I delete these plugins? What plugins needed for theme to work?

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  • #114687
    Post count: 313

    Please, can you tell me if I need these plugins for Neighborhood to continue working properly? I’m trying to clean up my site, and would like to delete them if possible.

    1) Previous and Next Post in Same Taxonomy

    2) Breadcrumb NavXT 5.0 Migration Compatibility Layer

    3) WPide (I don’t know if this was a theme recommended plugin or not)

    It would be helpful if somewhere on your forum (or theme documentation) you could list the plugins that you recommend installing when you first install the theme. I don’t know how to go back to view that list.

    Thank you!

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    You can delete only WPIDE plugin and rest of plugins are recommended. The Recommended plugins lists are:-
    1- Revolution Slider

    2- Contact Form 7

    3- Breadcrumb NavXT

    4- WooCommerce

    5- YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

    7- Previous and Next Post in Same Taxonomy

    Post count: 313

    Thank you so much. That is helpful. I still have two questions.

    1) So can I delete “Breadcrumb NavXT 5.0 Migration Compatibility Layer” if “Breadcrumb NavXT” is installed? You only mention “Breadcrumb NavXT”. Right now they are both installed but it says DO NOT ACTIVATE on “Breadcrumb NavXT 5.0 Migration Compatibility Layer”. Is that no longer needed? It initially was part of the theme installation (recommended I guess).

    2) I’m still not understanding this one “Previous and Next Post in Same Taxonomy”. I currently have it disabled (not sure why) and the description says, “Extends the prev/next links to let you limit to same taxonomy. Used for testing WP Core patch, and can be disabled if patch is committed to core.” Are you saying I need to keep it? Should I enable it? Is the “patch committed to core”, whatever that means?

    Thank you again.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    1) You do need the Breadcrumb NavXT 5.0 Migration Compatibility Layer, do not delete that

    2) This plugin is not needed, it just sets the post navigation to only navigate through posts in the same category

    – Kyle

    Post count: 313

    Perfect. Thanks!

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    No problem. Thanks Kyle

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