New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Parallax screen size vs mobile

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #112338
    Post count: 14

    Hey guys,

    Just went live with our new website. we are excited, but are seeing some small issues – specifically with parallax.

    Our parallax images shrink and grow in relation to the screen size. If we shrink our window the images get bigger, and vice versa. This wouldnt necessarily be a problem except that some of the images are of people and we get their heads cut off in weird ways.
    By extension, looking at the parallax images on a mobile device, we see the entire image, sometimes with white space buffering the image (which we are still unsure where it comes from).

    My question is: Is there a way to make the image static so as not to shrink or grow with screen size?


    How can I manage the mobile view of parallax? for ex: cutting away the white buffer?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    There are 3 different options for parallax backgrounds, you can either have it dynamic (parallax) so that the text and image move at different speeds, this means that the image is likely to be zoomed a little as it needs to fill the height of the window.

    The other options are fixed (image does not move) or scroll (image moves along with page)

    I’d say test it with scroll, and see if you are happy

    – Kyle

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