New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Size Guide icon/link for product page ?

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  • #105937
    Post count: 93

    How Do you add the size guide link to a producct page ? Most woocommerce themes have a size guide link from the product page? It usually links to a jpg or pdf image detailing size guides.

    Is there anption to turn this on, does this theme have it ?


    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    Unfortunately there is no option for that, but you can achieve that, you can either put that size guide in the product description, or you can put that in this file \wp-content\themes\neighborhood\woocommerce\content-single-product.php in the place you want,

    For Example: if you want to place that after the product short description means, you put that after this div. ( its </div> )

    <div class="product-short">

    or if you want a premium solution, you can try some plugins in codecanyon.

    Let us know,


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