New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood how to move the product gallery on the side of the product in single productpage

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  • #105548
    Post count: 1

    Hi, I would like to move the picture gallery on the right side of the product main image.
    Thanks to this forum, I ve already found how to resize the columns which worked perfectly!
    now i would like to fill the space between the main picture and the description as in picture attached.

    — eventually it could be possible to show sizes in that way? -yeah not as that as i understand your support policies- but maybe radio button?

    Thanks for your great support
    very helpful!!

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) I’m afraid it would require some advanced customisation to move the product thumbnails to the side of the image instead of below, you would need to hire a developer to help you with that

    2) You would have to install this plugin:

    – Kyle

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