New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Underline titles and center them to the left

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  • #104958

    Hi, how can I change those lines next to the titles to an underline? and how can I change the text from those so they become centered to the left?

    Thanks in advance!


    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please use this custom css code:-

    h4.spb_heading, h4.lined-heading {
      text-align: left !important;
    h4.spb_heading:after, h4.lined-heading:after {
        border-top: none !important;
        content: "";
        display: block;
        height: 0px;
    h4.spb_heading:after, h4.lined-heading:after {
        border-top: 2px solid #444;
        content: "";
        display: block;
        height: 2px;
        position: absolute;
        top: 100%;
        width: 100%;
        z-index: 1;


    Post count: 88

    Hi, I would like the title line be another colour. How can I do that? Like in the attachement (it’s uneven there, but I like that even more, but don’t know if that’s possible). Thanks! Maaike

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    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please use this custom css code:-
    h4.spb_heading:after, h4.lined-heading:after {border-top: 2px solid #ff0000 !important;}
    Thanks 🙂
    With Best Regards

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