New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Account sign in question

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #102717
    Post count: 73

    I have a question about the Sign Out and My Account in the top banner of the page.
    1. Can the wording be changed to say Member Login (when not logged in)?
    2. When you click to login, can it go to a nicer looking login page vs. the WP standard?
    3. Once logged I want the backend of WP to be hidden as when logged at any admin level – you see warning messages about theme specific things like not having plugins loaded, etc. Don’t want this. Can you be taken to a BuddyPress profile page vs. WP dashboard?
    4. I just want to bypass the WP dashboard all together – any way to do that and keep users in the front end?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) Yes you would need to edit sf-header.php

    2) You would need to find a plugin for that, the login is mainly for WooCommerce, and if you use it then it will go to a page like this:

    3) Are you using BuddyPress?

    – Kyle

    Post count: 73
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    2. WooCommerce
    3. You will need to hire a developer, we recommend that you seek a freelance developer if you need that functionality, potentially from one of the below resources:


    Hope that helps.

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