New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Blog default meta sidebar glitch

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #102115
    Post count: 73

    Per a question earlier about setting up a standard blog post layout, I’ve chosen to use a right sidebar in the Default Meta Options and have specified a “blog sidebar” as I’ve put elements in there pertaining to the blog. However, it is not showing up and seems to be using “sidebar 1” even though that isn’t chosen. It seems it always wants to default to sidebar 1 regardless of what is chosen. The work around is we’ve put the widgets in sidebar 1 for now but thought you should know of the glitch.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    This happens on new posts? Setting a sidebar in default meta options will only set this as default for new posts, it will not change the settings of any of your current blog posts, you will have to do this manually

    – Kyle

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