New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Translation issues

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #100821
    Post count: 44

    While I am rebuilding my website, I am translating the theme to Spanish. I will write here some texts that are not possible to translate so in next versions they will be included. I am using the plugin “Codestyle Localization”.

    Text: SHARE THIS
    Localization: At the end of every post

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Thanks for letting us know, it seems the line number in the .po file is analysed incorrectly – I’ll look into this for the next update.


    – Ed

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Just checked this, and works fine on our installs. I’m able to translate just fine using POEdit. What version of the theme are you using?

    – Ed

    Post count: 44


    I come back to this thread. Now I am using last version 1.71 of Cardinal. I am using the plugin Codestyle Localization to translate the theme but something is not working.

    When I first try to edit the po files, I get the message (see image attached) “Your translation file doesn’t support the multiple textdomains in one translation file extension.
    Please re-scan the related source files at the overview page to enable this feature.”

    So then, I come back and scan the theme directory with the plugin.

    The plugin scan the directory to search .po files and then you can edit them. But I get an error (see image attached) “You do not have the permission to read the file ‘/nas/wp/www/cluster-2588/testalimmenta/wp-content/themes/cardinal/includes/meta-box/lang/es_ES.po’.”

    This file does not exist in the directory. It exist the file es.po

    If I rename the file to es_ES.po, tha plugin can scan the directories. But when I translate the expresions and then I create the po file, it will save all the translations in wp-content/themes/cardinal/includes/meta-box/lang/es_ES.po

    I have translated more then 10 themes using this plugin so I have some experience and I do not know what happens here. Could you please help me with this issue?

    I have also tried to use Poedit to translate wp-content/themes/cardinal/language/es_ES.po
    But there are some strings that are not translated: see image “strings_not_translated_with_Poedit.png”
    Are these strings not correctly read it by the theme?

    If you need, I can give you access to my server. Thank you and best regards

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    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    1. Simply click Rescan if you are using that plugin, it will take all the strings for you to translate.

    2. Change the es.po into es_ES.po and make sure there is permission to read that film by the plugin.

    3. It should be in the .po files, after rescan you will find it.. ( Just try to open the .po file in the POEdit, and search for the string you will find it )

    Let us know,


    Post count: 44


    this does not work. I have a test site with a clean Cardinal installation. These are the steps I followed:

    1. First I try to rescan the file and I get this error

    2. Then I rename the file /cardinal/includes/meta-bos/lang/es.po to es_ES.po

    3. After this, I rescan the theme. Then I translate some words like “categories” and “share this”.

    4. Create the .po file and the .mo file but nothing change. My wp-config file is set the language to es_ES

    5. Note the huge .po file generated in /cardinal/includes/meta-bos/lang/

    6. Also check where the codestyle localization save the translated file

    I can upload a clean backup of the demo site so you can replecate the problem. And also I can give you access to WP and FTP.

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    Yes, pass us the WP and FTP details, in the mean time try this way without any plugin for translation, it should really work.

    Let us know,


    Post count: 44
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Post count: 44

    I have been working with language files in themes/cardinal/language

    What I see is that there are some strings in en_US.po that are missing in es_es.po

    I do not know how to add them. And I do not want to start from scratch with the en_US.po file

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @javierojuel

    We removed the meta-box lang file in the latest update to prevent that issue.

    What strings are missing, or do you mean strings not translated?

    – Ed

    Post count: 44

    OK. Have you published already this update? Or should I delete the meta box lang directory?

    In the themes/cardinal/language/es_ES.po file, there are string missing. For example:

    File: es_US.po
    Original Text: Share This Line: 1237

    This text is not in es_ES.po file

    Post count: 44

    I see that you deleted the meta box lang directory.

    Now the work flow within the Codestyle Localization plugin works well but I cannot see the frontoffice of my web in Spanish. The cache is off and my computer language is set to Spanish. So I do not know why I don’t see the text translated in Spanish. I have translated strigs like: “Share This”, “Categories”, “Tags”, “0 comments”…

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Yes, the “Share this” is missing in es_ES.po
    Will forward to Ed.


    Post count: 44

    I still cannot translate the missing words, nor with the plugin Codestyle Localization neither with the poedit program.

    What should I do? Wait for a future theme update?

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Let’s just wait for Ed reply, he should be online in the next hours.


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