New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Site Speed

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #100744
    Post count: 9


    I’ve had multiple issues using this theme and the hosting of it. They’ve come back with the below.

    Is there any advice on anything that could help the theme load faster and the bug they are referring to.

    Love the theme but I can’t compromise the user experience by it taking too long to load.

    Kind Regards


    There appears to be a few script’s which are slowing the load process down, I have listed them below. (3.6sec) (4.9sec)

    Your site doesn’t appear to have much imagery or animation or other such objects that would generally be responsible for your site taking a while to load, however the 2 items listed above are taking a long time to resolve.

    Also there is this coding error on the web-server: [Wed Aug 13 09:08:02 2014] [error] [client] End of script output before headers: admin-ajax.php

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I can tell you that this is not a theme issue, all of our demos load in sub 2 seconds. Therefore the only thing that can be affecting the speed of your site is your hosting, any additional plugins or your images. Please see:

    – Kyle

    Post count: 9


    Thanks for response.

    I’ve intentionally kept the use of plugins to a minimal and removed all sliders and don’t have that many images apart from a batch of products.

    So those scripts shouldn’t be taking that long to load?

    Do you know what the admin-ajax.php error could be?



    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    No will check that for you.

    The scripts don’t take that long to load for us and we don’t use any additional cache plugins or CDN, therefore it’s down to the speed of your hosting. To reduce the load time of the scripts you can install WP Total Cache or Better WordPress Minify

    – Kyle

    Post count: 9

    Ok thanks Kyle, much appreciated!

    Suspected hosting wasn’t great tbh as used other themes by swift before.

    Will give the bwp a go and if any news on the Ajax header error that be great,

    Really do think the theme is awesome which is why don’t want to change it.

    Many thanks


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    No problem

    – Kyle

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