Would be really, really nice of you guys create a shortcode similar to Purple Heart Plugin (http://purpleheartratingplugin.com/) with the Love It built in function… but, instead of a tiny link, a big and customizable Heart (or other FontAwesome Icon, so we can choose) so users can insert anywhere with the Page Builder.
The purpose is to create an “Like System” for specific Categories or Post Types so we can display lists with a customizable widget. So if I need to create a “Top 5 Portfolios” or “Top 5 Places” for the Directory, I can use a specific system with that shortcode without mix with the current “love it” for all posts.
Purple Heart is great but don’t have a good integration and the scripts always gets in conflict with other plugins and even with the theme scripts.
And… “Love It” is already there, just need a new and more wide use. ๐