I have a few questions about the blog/post setup:
1. On the post page there are options for format: Standard, Aside, Chat, Quote, Status – do you have examples of what these look like? Which choice to make?
2. I don’t want to show the Author information at the end of the article, but when I opt to Not show it, the Comments, heart, categories and tags go away – I’d like to keep those, is there a way to do that?
3. The difference between the regular “Recent Post widget” “Swift Recent Post widget” and “Recent post element in the swift page setup”. When choosing any of these I get different results. I’d like to have the one with blog title, info and thumbnail.
4. The blog featured image – no matter what option I choose becomes huge and full width above the article. I’d like it to sit within a column next to the side column with other blog type info. Is there a way to do this. When I don’t have a featured image, I can get an image to sit correctly, but a thumbnail doesn’t show up.
I hope this isn’t confusing.